TB Education & Training Resources Web Site Newsletter

October 2004



Tuberculin Skin Test: Pediatric and Adolescent Risk Assessment Questionnaire

Welcome to the October e-newsletter for the TB Education & Training Resources Website (findtbresources.cdc.gov). The purpose of this monthly newsletter is to inform you about the featured Highlight of the Month, new additions to the database, and other updates to the Website .


Highlight of the Month


This month's highlight is a colorful poster available online from the Charles P. Felton National Tuberculosis Center entitled Tuberculin Skin Test: Pediatric and Adolescent Risk Assessment Questionnaire.


The poster lists a series of questions to help health professionals assess children and adolescents for risk factors for TB disease and latent TB infection. 


 For more information on this poster, visit findtbresources.cdc.gov.


Recently added materials:


Planning and Implementing the TB Case Management Conference: A Unique Opportunity for Networking, Peer Support, and Ongoing Training 


A Pocket Guide to Building Partnerships


Planning and Implementing the TB Case Management Conference, from New Jersey Medical School National Tuberculosis Center


TB and HIV/AIDS, from The Royal Netherlands Tuberculosis Foundation (KNCV)


A Pocket Guide to Building Partnerships
, from WHO/Global Partnership to Stop TB 


Remember to...


Contact us!


1) Explore

The Website includes a searchable database of TB education and training resources. You can search for materials by fields such as format and language.


You can also submit your materials, and much more!



2) Bookmark

Add it to your Internet Favorites list so you can easily return to the site.


3) Tell others

If the Website has been helpful to you, please let your colleagues know!




Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about the Website .


Email: info@findtbresources.cdc.gov



TB Education & Training Resources Website


"Your one-stop site to find & share TB resources"