TB Education & Training Resources Website Newsletter
February 2005


Welcome to this month's e-newsletter for the TB Education & Training Resources Website (findtbresources.cdc.gov). The purpose of this monthly newsletter is to inform you about the featured Highlight of the Month, additional helpful resources in the database, and other updates to the website.

Highlight of the Month

This month’s highlight, entitled Shelters and TB: What Staff Need to Know, is a TB training video from the Francis J. Curry National Tuberculosis Center.

This 18-minute video is used to train shelter staff on preventing the spread of TB in homeless shelters.

Shelters and TB: What Staff Need to Know

For more information on this online resource, please visit findtbresources.cdc.gov.

Additional Resources
Let Me Introduce You to DOT for LTBI: Directly Observed Therapy for Latent TB The Role of Health
          Communication in Vietnam

How to Organize Training for Health Facility Staff on TB   Control: Management of Tuberculosis Training for Health Facility Staff

Let Me Introduce You to DOT for LTBI: Directly Observed Therapy for Latent TB, from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of TB Control.

The Role of Health Communication in Vietnam, from the Health Communication Partnership.

How to Organize Training for Health Facility Staff on TB Control: Management of Tuberculosis Training for Health Facility Staff, from the WHO Stop TB Partnership.

To find out how to order or view these materials, visit findtbresources.cdc.gov.

Remember to...

1) Explore
The website includes a searchable database of TB education and training resources. You can search for materials by fields such as format and language.

You can also submit your materials, and much more!


2) Bookmark
Add it to your Internet Favorites list so you can easily return to the site.

3) Tell others
If the website has been helpful to you, please let your colleagues know!

Contact us!

Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about the website.

Email: info@findtbresources.cdc.gov

TB Education & Training Resources Website
"Your one-stop site to find & share TB resources"