Education & Training
Resources Website E-Newsletter
May 2008 |
 | Greetings!
Welcome to this month's e-newsletter for the TB Education & Training Resources Website (findtbresources.cdc.gov). The purpose of this monthly newsletter is to inform you about the featured Highlight of the Month, additional helpful resources in the database, and other updates to the website.
Highlight of the Month
This month's highlight is Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: A Survival Guide for Clinicians, 2nd edition. This manual is a joint publication of the Francis J. Curry National TB Center and the Tuberculosis Control Branch of the California Department of Public Health. It contains information and user-friendly tools for clinicians who manage patients with drug-resistant TB. Major topics in the manual |
include epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, special situations, adverse reactions, case management, legal issues, and treatment of contacts.
Check out: Tips for Adapting Tuberculosis Educational Materials! On this page, you will find tips and resources to consider when evaluating and adapting materials.
Do you have TB education or training materials you would like to share? You can submit materials to our database electronically! For more information,
visit findtbresources.cdc.gov.
Additional Resources |



Accompagnateurs Training Curriculum, from Partners in Health. |
Health Disparities in HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and Tuberculosis in the United States, from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). |
Focus on Laboratory, Focus on Quality, from WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific. |
To find out how to order or view
these materials, visit findtbresources.cdc.gov. |
Remember to...
1) Explore
The website includes a searchable database of TB education
and training resources. You can search for materials by fields such as
format and language.
You can also submit your materials, and much more! |
2) Bookmark Add it to your Internet Favorites list so you can easily return to
the site.
3) Tell others
If the website has been helpful to you, please let
your colleagues know! |
Contact us!
Please contact us if you have any questions
or comments about the website.
Email: info@findtbresources.cdc.gov
Phone: 800-458-5231 |
Education & Training
Resources Website
"Your one-stop site to find & share TB resources" |