Find TB Resources Website E-Newsletter
July 2011

Case Studies in TB: Nurse Case Management Training Tools for Patient Success


Welcome to this month's e-newsletter for the Find TB Resources Website ( The purpose of this monthly newsletter is to inform you about the featured Highlight of the Month, additional helpful resources in the database, and other updates to the website.

Highlight of the Month

This month's highlight is Case Studies in TB: Nurse Case Management Training Tools for Patient Success, from the Heartland National TB Center. These case studies and their accompanying tools are intended to complement a TB program's education and training of its nursing staff. The cases are based on real-life experiences of TB nurse case managers in the Heartland Region and are designed to illustrate key concepts in TB control and prevention.

Do you have TB education or training materials you would like to share? You can submit materials to our database electronically! For more information, visit

Additional Resources

Simplified Checklist for TB Infection Control

Mantoux TB Skin Test

TB Radiology Resource Page

Simplified Checklist for TB Infection Control, from the Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical Assistance (TB CTA), Family Health International (FHI), and USAID.


Mantoux TB Skin Test, from the New Hampshire Tuberculosis Program.

TB Radiology Resource Page, from the Curry International TB Center (CITC).

To find out how to order or view these materials, visit

Remember to...

1) Explore
The website includes a searchable database of TB education and training resources. You can search for materials by fields such as format and language.

You can also submit your materials, and much more!


2) Bookmark
Add it to your Internet Favorites list so you can easily return to the site.

3) Tell others
If the website has been helpful to you, please let your colleagues know!

Contact us!

Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about the website.


Find TB Resources Website
"Your one-stop site to find & share TB resources"