Find TB Resources Newsletter September

Welcome to the newsletter for the Find TB Resources Website.

The purpose of this monthly newsletter is to inform you about the featured Highlight of the Month, additional helpful resources in the database, and other updates to the website.

Highlight of the Month

The 12th annual TB Education and Training Network (TB ETN) and the 4th annual TB Program Evaluation Network (TB PEN) Conference, Lights, Camera, Action: Setting the Stage for TB Elimination will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, September 18-20, 2012. Hosted by the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, CDC, the conference will focus on a variety of topics, including lessons learned from past and present disease eradication efforts and how to apply them to TB elimination, how to present TB data effectively, and how to create partnerships between TB patients and health care workers. Conference activities will also include skills-based workshops, informational presentations, and networking opportunities.

Lights, Camera, Action: Setting the Stage for TB Elimination
Additional Resources
Stop TB Partnership 2011 Annual Report

Stop TB Partnership 2011 Annual Report, from the WHO Stop TB Partnership.

Treating TB Infection: A Weekly Treatment Option

Treating TB Infection: A Weekly Treatment Option, from the Virginia Department of Health.

Global TB Strategy

Global TB Strategy, from the CDC Division of Tuberculosis Elimination.

To order or view these materials, click on the images above.
Find TB Resources
Your one-stop site to find & share TB resources

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See the Find TB Resources Newsletter on the Web