Find TB Resources Newsletter August

Welcome to the newsletter for the Find TB Resources Website.

The purpose of this monthly newsletter is to inform you about the featured Highlight of the Month, additional helpful resources in the database, and other updates to the website.

Highlight of the Month

This month's highlight is An Activist's Guide to Tuberculosis Drugs from Treatment Action Group (TAG). The guide provides a summary of safety and efficacy data for drugs currently in use to treat TB. The guide also suggests advocacy points for activists, clinicians, and others working in TB.

Highlight of The Month
Additional Resources
Imaging of Tuberculosis

Imaging of Tuberculosis, from the International Society of Radiology's International Commission on Radiology Education.

Understanding Tuberculosis

Understanding Tuberculosis, from ACTION.

TB Voices Project

TB Voices Project, from TB Photovoice.

To order or view these materials, click on the images above.
Find TB Resources
Your one-stop site to find & share TB resources.

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See the Find TB Resources Newsletter on the Web