June 2022

FindTBResources.cdc.gov is your one-stop site to find TB educational materials for patients and providers.

Severe COVID-19: A TB Risk Factor,
from the Heartland National TB Center.

Adverse Reactions from TB Medication Flashcards (Dari), from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

The CDC Division of TB Elimination recently released updated medication trackers for two latent TB infection treatment regimens! There is space to write treatment schedules, medication intake, and doctor/clinic contact information. There is also a list of medication side effects to watch for during treatment.

Check out the materials on the CDC website:

The Southeastern National Tuberculosis Center also offers the medication trackers in Ukrainian:

Do you have TB education or training materials you would like to share? You can submit materials to our database electronically! For more information, visit findtbresources.cdc.gov

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