Management of Tuberculosis Training for Health Facility Staff

Author: World Health Organization, Global TB Programme
Publication Date: 2009
Format: Teaching Guide
Language: English


This training course uses a variety of methods of instruction to help health workers develop specific skills necessary to diagnose persons with TB and manage treatment for their patients. The training course consists of 10 modules titled: 'A: Introduction', 'B: Detect Cases of TB', 'C: Treat TB Patients', 'D: Inform Patients About TB', 'E: Identify and Supervise Community TB Treatment Supporters', 'F: Manage Drugs and Supplies for TB', 'G: Ensure Continuation of TB Treatment', 'H: Monitor TB Case Detection and Treatment', 'I: TB Infection Control in Your Health Facility', and 'J: Field Exercise - Observe TB Management', and 'K: Management of Tuberculosis - Reference booklet'


World Health Organization


Health Professionals, Infection Control and Occupational Health Workers


Case Management, Diagnosis, Training, TB Treatment

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