HIV: Related Stigma, Discrimination and Human Rights Violations: Case Studies of Successful Programmes

HIV: Related Stigma, Discrimination and Human Rights Violations: Case Studies of Successful Programmes

Author: Aggleton, P.; Wood, K.; Malcolm, A.; Parker, R.
Publication Date: 2005
Format: Report


This report discusses the association between stigma, discrimination, and human rights as they affect persons with HIV/AIDS. The report defines stigma and discrimination in different forms and contexts and presents case studies to illustrate twelve different approaches to reducing stigma. The approaches discussed include: stigma-reduction approaches such as improving quality of life for people living with HIV through integrated care; mobilizing religious leaders to foster respect and compassion for people with HIV/AIDS and to participate in prevention activities; antidiscrimination measures; and human rights legal reforms.


United Nations,Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS


Human Rights

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