Normes de Quality des Soins de l'Infection a VIH: Outils d'Evaluation et d'Amelioration de la Qualite et d'Accrediation des Services de Sante

Normes de Quality des Soins de l'Infection a VIH: Outils d'Evaluation et d'Amelioration de la Qualite et d'Accrediation des Services de Sante

Publication Date: 2005
Format: Report


This report presents guidelines for assessing quality, improvement, and accreditation in caring for persons with HIV. The report explains the rationale behind establishing guidelines, their uses, the purpose of accreditation, and the key principles of the accreditation framework. It lists the major categories of standards for HIV care, describes how the model standards were selected, and explains how to begin using the standards in an HIV care site or organization. The minimum set of standards to initiate antiretroviral therapy (ART) and proposed standards are provided. Annex 1 contains case reports of the experiences of different countries in accreditation of health service facilities for HIV care and Annex 2 presents a list of standards for community-based health service facilities initiating and supervising ART.


World Health Organization


Antiretroviral Drugs

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