California Tuberculosis Risk Assessment Tool and User Guide

California Tuberculosis Risk Assessment Tool and User Guide

Author: California Department of Public Health, California TB Controllers Association, Curry International TB Center, Curry International TB Center, California Department of Public Health, Tuberculosis Control Branch, CDHS DCDC VRDL, CTCA
Publication Date: 2017
Country of Origin: United States
Format: Tool
Language: English


This tool is designed to help clinicians select adults for LTBI testing who are at high-risk for TB exposure or progression to TB disease. The tool calls out 3 groups for testing: foreign-born; immunosuppressed (e.g., HIV, TNF alpha inhibitor use, steroids, organ transplant); and contacts.


California Department of Public Health


Health Professionals


Diagnosis- Screening


Originally added to the database in 2016. Document updated December 2017.

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