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A library of resources for the prevention,
management, and elimination of TB.

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As a result of the first meeting of the Global XDR TB Task Force (October 6-7, 2006), the case definition of extensively drug-resistant tuberculisis (XDR TB) was revised. This Notice to Readers details the events leading up to this revision and the new case definition.

Health Professionals Policy Makers

Addendum to WHO "Guidelines for the Prevention of Tuberculosis in Health Care Facilities in Resource-Limited Settings, 1999" The goal of this addendum is to help management and staff minimize the risk of TB transmission at facilities in resource-limited settings in which HIV-infected persons receive diagnosis, care, treatment, and/or support, and settings in which there is a high prevalence of HIV infection, both known and undiagnosed.

Health Professionals Policy Makers

The Stop TB Department (STB) of the World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with technical partners, has revised the TB recording and reporting (R&R) system to align the forms and registers with the new Stop TB Strategy. The revision facilitates the monitoring of the six components of the Stop TB Strategy, which itself was developed to help achieve the Millenium Development Goals.

International Agencies Managers and Supervisors Policy Makers

This guide gathers basic information about providing language services in one document. Information includes interpreter and translator associations and agencies, training programs, assessment tools, and other materials. A searchable version is available online at

Health Educators/Communicators Health Professionals Civil Surgeons

This report presents summary data for U.S. TB cases reported to the Division of TB Elimination, CDC, during 2005.

Health Professionals Policy Makers

This report defines the Stop TB Strategy. The goal of the Stop TB Strategy is to dramatically reduce the global burden of TB by 2015 in line with the Millennium Development Goals and the Stop TB Partnership targets.

Health Professionals Policy Makers

This report contains an expert assessment of the current crisis in the global health workforce and ambitious proposals to tackle it over the next ten years.

Health Professionals International Agencies Policy Makers

Annex to WHO "Tuberculosis Infection Control in the Era of Expanding HIV Care and Treatment". This slideset on TB Infection Control was created to be used by a training facilitator or lecturer.

Health Professionals Policy Makers

This slide presentation with streaming audio, provides information on how to manage treatment of tuberculosis (TB). A pre and posttest, question and answer guide, printable PowerPoint slide file, and other useful resources are also included as supplemental reading materials.

Health Professionals Medical and Nursing School Students

This toolbox contains sample letters, forms, and protocols that can be adapted and used by local programs to contact and follow-up with recent immigrants and refugees entering the US with a B classification.

Health Professionals Managers and Supervisors Civil Surgeons

These tools are primarily for urban TB programs wishing to improve secondary prevention of TB in those groups at high risk of progression to TB disease, including the homeless, chemically dependent, and mentally ill. The materials include sample letters, forms, and job descriptions and protocols as well as templates of these tools for adaptation to local programs...

Health Professionals Managers and Supervisors Outreach Workers

This document guides NTPs on how to engage all relevant health care providers in TB control and thereby promote the use of evidence-based, International Standards for TB Care. The experience and evidence on scaling up and sustaining PPM is now clearly emerging. The authors hope that this document will help countries to scale up PPM DOTS more rapidly and contribute significantly to achieving the TB-related Millennium Development Goal.

Community Leaders Health Professionals International Agencies

This reference card includes information on the risk factors for TB infection and developing TB disease, primary evaluation of patients, determining the medical history of a TB suspect, essential anti-TB drugs (prescribed by TB services), an overview of adverse drug effects and their management, an algorithm for detecting and diagnosing pulmonary TB, and patient education and adherence.

Health Professionals International Agencies

This flyer, designed for community and public settings like schools and child care facilities, urges patients to cover their noses and mouths when coughing to help stop the spread of germs.

Community Leaders General Public Health Educators/Communicators

These guidelines offer recommendations for TB control programmes and medical workers in middle- and low- income countries faced with drug-resistant forms of TB, especially MDR-TB.

Health Professionals International Agencies Policy Makers

This fact sheet provides information on the global burden of TB, TB targets, and the new Stop TB Strategy.

General Public Health Professionals International Agencies Policy Makers

This package includes an instruction guide and a videotape. The guide explains the three key elements of the cohort review process and how to adapt the process to your own TB program.The videotape illustrates the benefits of adopting cohort review and highlights the roles of the cohort review team members...

Health Educators/Communicators Health Professionals Managers and Supervisors Outreach Workers

This package includes an instruction guide and a DVD. The DVD illustrates the benefits of adopting cohort review and highlights the roles of the cohort review team members. The guide explains the three key elements of the cohort review process and how to adapt the process to your own TB program. The DVD was produced by the CDC, Creative Digital Group, and the Constella Group...

Health Educators/Communicators Health Professionals Managers and Supervisors Outreach Workers

This document sets out a 10-year strategic framework for advocacy, communications, and social mobilization activities and is a key supporting document to the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Plan to Stop TB 2006–2015.

Community Leaders Health Professionals International Agencies

The revised guidelines address the concerns about transmission of TB during air travel and provide the following: (i) information on transmission of TB on aircraft; (ii) a summary of the practices adopted for the management of patients with infectious TB associated with air travel, and of commonly encountered diffi culties; (iii) suggestions on practical ways to reduce the risk of exposure to M...

Managers and Supervisors Health Professionals International Agencies