Latent Tuberculosis Infection: A Guide for Primary Health Care Providers

Latent Tuberculosis Infection: A Guide for Primary Health Care Providers

Publication Date: 2013
Language: English
How to Access this Material:


This pamphlet is a guide for primary care providers who treat individuals and populations that may be at risk for latent TB infection (LTBI). It is not a substitute for the guidelines on testing and treating LTBI, but is a ready and useful reference that highlights the main points of the guidelines. LTBI is the presence of the TB bacterium in the body without signs and symptoms or radiographic or bacteriologic evidence of TB disease. Unless People with LTBI receive proper treatment, they may develop TB disease at some point in their life. Primary care providers have a key role in achieving the goal of TB elimination because they have access to high risk populations. The pamphlet discusses targeted testing of at risk individuals, diagnosing LTBI, treatment including adverse effects of drugs, and adherence.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,National Center for HIV Viral Hepatitis STD and TB Prevention


Health Professionals, Physicians


Treatment - Latent TB infection (Inactive TB)

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