El Papel de los CDC en la Prevencion de la Tuberculosis Extremadamente Resistente (XDR TB)

El Papel de los CDC en la Prevencion de la Tuberculosis Extremadamente Resistente (XDR TB)

Publication Date: 2013
Country of Origin: United States
Format: Information Sheet
Language: Spanish


This information sheet discusses how CDC is working to prevent extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR TB). It explains that CDC is collaborating with other federal agencies and international partners to raise awareness and enhance strategies for TB prevention by strengthening TB services for people with HIV, assembling outbreak response teams, improving access to TB drugs, developing international TB testing standards, building capacity of health care providers, reconvening the Federal TB Task Force, providing technical assistance to expand program capacity, and supporting TB communication and education efforts.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,National Center for HIV Viral Hepatitis STD and TB Prevention


Hispanic or Latino persons


TB Prevention

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