LTBI Card: Patient's TB Testing and Treatment Record

Author: Global Tuberculosis Institute at Rutgers The State University of New Jersey
Publication Date: 2004
Country of Origin: United States
Format: Toolkit
Language: English


This information kit provides information on the rationale and use of an LTBI card. It includes a sample wallet-sized pocket card that LTBI patients can use as a portable record of their tuberculin skin test, chest x-ray, and treatment status. Patients can carry the card at all times and show it whenever they are seen by a new health care provider. This resource also contains information on downloading and completing cards as well as discussing use of cards with patients. Additional card information in the kit includes the provider and TB control program contact information, patient education messages about the purpose and use of the card, and the signs and symptoms of TB disease. Some parts of this kit are only available online.


Global Tuberculosis Institute at Rutgers The State University of New Jersey


Health Professionals, Correctional Facility Staff, Civil Surgeons


Diagnosis, Treatment - Latent TB infection (Inactive TB), TB Skin Test, TB Treatment, Diagnosis- Chest X-Ray


The user can access additional product features and information: (1) PDF and MS Word versions of the card that can be downloaded and edited for local use; (2) cards available in English, Spanish, and Creole; (3) instructions for downloading, modifying, saving, and printing cards; (4) instructional sheets for completing and discussing the card with patients; and (5) "Gold Card" educational posters (in three languages).

Disclaimer: The information on the Find TB Resources Website is made available as a public service. Neither the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention nor the National Prevention Information Network endorses the organizations, Website s, and materials presented. It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate this information prior to use based on individual, community, and organizational needs and standards.