TB Photovoice
This website is an innovative forum for persons affected by tuberculosis and the wider community. TB Photovoice improves the overall health of individuals and communities by using images, stories and dialogue to give a powerful voice to people affected by tuberculosis. The website is a welcoming, safe place exclusively for people impacted by TB to share and be supported. TB Photovoice assists individuals impacted by TB to document their own health realities by taking photographs of the people, places and systems that both positively and negatively affect the care and treatment of their tuberculosis. Photovoice uses the immediacy of the visual image and accompanying stories to furnish evidence and to promote an effective, participatory means of sharing expertise to create healthful public policy.
TB Photovoice, TBPV
Community Leaders
Advocacy/Communications, General TB Information, Partnership Building
Country of Origin:
United States
Global resources for the prevention,
management, and elimination of TB.