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On the Lake

On the Lake

This documentary film, On the Lake—Life and Love in a Distant Place, by David Bettencourt and G. Wayne Miller, reminds people across the United States that tuberculosis was the number-one killer in their country in the not so distant past. The one-hour documentary, produced by Stop TB partner Eagle Peak Media, chronicles the lives, loves and losses of Rhode Islanders who were confined to a lakeside TB sanatorium in the first half of the 20th century, when no effective TB treatment was available. The film paints a powerful portrait of the stigma attached to TB, and the terror the disease inspired across the United States, in the pre-antibiotic era. The documentary closes with a hard look at the global TB epidemic today.


David Bettencourt and G. Wayne Miller, Public Broadcasting Service PBS Public Video Service, Eagle Peak Media


Community Leaders, General Public, Health Educators/Communicators, Health Professionals, Persons With LTBI, Policy Makers


Advocacy/Communications, History of TB

Global resources for the prevention,
management, and elimination of TB.