TB Unmasked: Stories of Healthcare Workers on the Front Lines of the TB Epidemic

TB Unmasked: Stories of Healthcare Workers on the Front Lines of the TB Epidemic

Author: Aeras
Publication Date: 2014
Format: Video
Language: English
How to Access this Material:
HTML: http://www.tbunmasked.org


The series of 5 short documentary videos presents stories from healthcare workers in the TB field, examining the risks, the struggles and possible solutions to protecting this critical workforce, including new TB vaccines. The TB Unmasked website, www.tbunmasked.org, also offers healthcare workers resources to learn more about protecting themselves, and features written stories submitted by healthcare workers around the world. The site also enables users to share their own stories with the healthcare community.




General Public, Policy Makers


General TB Information

Disclaimer: The information on the Find TB Resources Website is made available as a public service. Neither the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention nor the National Prevention Information Network endorses the organizations, Website s, and materials presented. It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate this information prior to use based on individual, community, and organizational needs and standards.