Tuberculosis and Public Health: Policy and Principles in Tuberculosis Control

Tuberculosis and Public Health: Policy and Principles in Tuberculosis Control

Author: Arnadottir, T., International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union), The Union, IUATLD (previous acronym)
Publication Date: 2009
Format: Book
Language: English


This book describes the national tuberculosis program model for preventing, controlling and treating tuberculosis. It reviews its historical background and scientific basis, as well as considering the context within which it is implemented, that is, countries with a high prevalence of tuberculosis. The author addresses the debates taking place not only within the tuberculosis community but also in the wider context of communicable disease control and health services organization in general.


International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union)


Health Professionals, International Agencies, Policy Makers


Treatment Guidelines Materials, General TB Information

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