When TB is the Least of Their Worries: Refugees webinar

When TB is the Least of Their Worries: Refugees webinar

Author: Southeastern National Tuberculosis Center, SNTC
Publication Date: 2019
Country of Origin: United States
Format: Webinar
Language: English
How to Access this Material:
HTML: http://sntc.medicine.ufl.edu/home/index#/webinars/113


The webinar presents information about the risk of TB among refugees from TB endemic countries and the challenges that influence their ability and willingness to see a health care provider after arriving to the US. The webinar also discusses factors that may affect U.S. health care providers’ ability to effectively evaluate and treat refugees for TB and LTBI.


Southeastern National Tuberculosis Center


Health Professionals


Minorities, Non-U.S. born persons

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