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A library of resources for the prevention,
management, and elimination of TB.

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This training manual was created to build and strengthen the capacity of people with and affected by TB to better understand the human rights issues and abuses they encounter and be able to respond constructively by building on previous experience in participating in a TB-or and human rights-related activity...

Community Based Organizations Community Leaders Educators General Public Health Educators/Communicators Outreach Workers Social Service Providers

This guide is for people with tuberculosis (TB), people at risk for TB, and their caretakers. The guide contains information on what services you have the right to receive, as well as your rights related to TB prevention, testing, treatment, and care.

American Indian or Alaska Native persons Asian or Pacific Islander persons Community Leaders Health Educators/Communicators Hispanic or Latino persons Long-term Residential Care Providers Migrant Workers Non-U.S.-born persons People experiencing homelessness Social Service Providers

Multimedia materials developed ahead of the September 2018 United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Tuberculosis. Materials include a brochure, posters, and social media squares.

Community Leaders International Agencies

A variety of advocacy materials that were released by the Stop TB Partnership ahead of the United Nations High-Level General Assembly Meeting. The materials include TB FAQs, fact sheets, Key Asks from TB stakeholders and communities, a list per country of people who do not receive TB care and treatment, country-specific TB data tiles, important organizations and partners, and Voices from the TB survivors (video and quotes)...

Community Leaders International Agencies Policy Makers

This is a planning document designed to facilitate the integration of strong public-private mix components into national TB strategic plans that are supposed to be the basis for Global Fund proposals and national budgeting processes, and will help drive a more comprehensive approach to provider engagement in TB care and prevention.

Civil Surgeons Community Leaders Health Educators/Communicators Infection Control and Occupational Health Workers International Agencies Lab Personnel Managers and Supervisors Outreach Workers Policy Makers

This website is an innovative forum for persons affected by tuberculosis and the wider community. TB Photovoice improves the overall health of individuals and communities by using images, stories and dialogue to give a powerful voice to people affected by tuberculosis. The website is a welcoming, safe place exclusively for people impacted by TB to share and be supported...

Community Leaders

This book was developed to assist in the management of TB and HIV/AIDS programs that are implementing or planning to implement collaborative TB/HIV activities. It is intended to facilitate the collection of standardized data and help in the interpretation and dissemination of these data for program improvement...

Community Leaders International Agencies Managers and Supervisors Policy Makers

This facilitators’ guide for training community health workers and community volunteers is intended for training in tuberculosis (TB) and integration of TB prevention and care services into community-based activities.

Community Leaders International Agencies Outreach Workers Social Service Providers

The TB Voices Project documented individuals' TB experience using photos, video/voice recordings, and/or their written story. Twenty-eight people from across King and Snohomish County, Washington shared their TB experiences through the TB Voices Project in 2013. The website contains: video and audio clips of more than 25 TB stories; a 13 minute video applicable for all audiences; and an active blog.

Community Leaders Parents/Families Persons With LTBI

This 15-minute video provides basic TB information and promotes a collaborative approach to addressing TB in the African American community. Suggested venues for showing the video include waiting rooms in health department clinics, substance abuse treatment centers, correctional facilities, barbershops, and other community-based settings where educational content is appropriate...

Black or African American persons Community Based Organizations Community Leaders Health Educators/Communicators

This document is designed to serve as a handbook, or primer, for NGOs and CSOs that are considering joining the fight against TB. It provides information on TB and how it is prevented, diagnosed, and treated, how TB programs work on the ground, how communities and CSOs can get involved, and special populations that need extra attention...

Community Leaders International Agencies Social Service Providers

Integrating community-based tuberculosis activities into the work of nongovernmental and other civil society organizations.

Community Leaders International Agencies Outreach Workers Social Service Providers

The purpose of this document is to provide operational guidance to NGOs and other CSOs and NTPs or their equivalents in implementing and scaling-up integrated community-based TB prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care using the ENGAGE-TB approach described in the document. The principles are aligned with the Stop TB Strategy and are complementary to existing guidelines for engaging all health care providers (including NGOs) in TB prevention and care as part of a public–private mix.

Community Leaders International Agencies Social Service Providers

This report summarizes the accomplishments and activities of the Stop TB Partnership in 2011.

Community Leaders

This curriculum is designed for training TB control professionals, NGOs, and civil society activists at national and local levels who are involved in advocacy, communication, and social mobilization (ACSM) efforts. It is designed to provide country-level staff with the specific knowledge and skills to plan, implement, and evaluate effective ACSM interventions linked to specific TB control objectives...

Community Leaders Policy Makers