Tuberculosis prevention and care among refugees and other populations in humanitarian settings: an interagency field guide

Tuberculosis prevention and care among refugees and other populations in humanitarian settings: an interagency field guide

Author: World Health Organization (WHO)
Publication Date: 2022
Country of Origin: Switzerland
Format: Book
Language: English
How to Access this Material:


The interagency field guide contains information on strategic approaches, guidance, and innovations for TB prevention and care interventions in humanitarian settings. The guide focuses on the managerial/organizational aspects of TB interventions. References are also provided for the clinical aspects of TB interventions.


World Health Organization (WHO)


Government Agencies, Health Professionals, Nurses, Physicians, International Agencies


Diagnosis, Infection Control, TB Treatment


The guide is a joint effort of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Disclaimer: The information on the Find TB Resources Website is made available as a public service. Neither the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention nor the National Prevention Information Network endorses the organizations, Website s, and materials presented. It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate this information prior to use based on individual, community, and organizational needs and standards.