TB Elimination: Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis: Bedaquiline

TB Elimination: Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis: Bedaquiline

Publication Date: 2013
Country of Origin: United States
Format: Information Sheet
Language: English


This information sheet discusses combination therapy with the medication bedaquiline fumarate, for adults with pulmonary multidrug-resistant TB. It provides guidelines for dosage and administration, initiation and discontinuation, missed doses, adverse reactions, patient counseling, and drug interactions. The information sheet advises patient monitoring for cardiac toxicity, hepatotoxicity, and renal toxicity, and if used with rifamycin and certain other drugs, monitoring serum drug levels, micobiologic monitoring, and monitoring for additional side effects. The information sheet notes that the drug manufacturer maintains a patient registry and laboratory surveillance for drug resistance. It also provides addresses for additional information.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,National Center for HIV Viral Hepatitis STD and TB Prevention


Health Professionals



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